Businesses large and small have discovered a welcoming climate, featuring a low cost of doing business, a strong work ethic, an abundance of educational and training resources, ease of transportation and a high-quality, low-cost lifestyle. Plus, there’s a team of experts determined to help you find the perfect place to grow your business. Right here at the CORE.

Facts about the region, at a glance:
- Population of the CORE region is 326,094
- Median household income in CORE counties range up to $52,468, which is 16% higher than statewide median income.
- In CORE’s largest county, 45% of adults have at least a bachelor’s degree.
- Solid Midwestern work ethic.
- CORE’s largest county grew by 20 percent in the first decade of the century.
- Missouri has the 8th lowest cost of living in the U.S. – 91.66
- Our region is ranked as one of the 15 lowest business cost areas nationwide (Forbes, “Best Small Places” 2008).
- 12 colleges & universities in the CORE region enroll more than 69,000 students.
- High school graduation rate and ACT scores exceed U.S. averages.
- Located centrally in the United States
- Strategically situated halfway between St. Louis and Kansas City.
- Within 500 miles of 43 percent of the U.S. population.